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 Membership Info

Ready to join the fight against Parkinson's and add boxing to your routine?

Rock Steady Boxing Tetons - Logo

Welcome to the home of Rock Steady Boxing Tetons

Group boxing photo

The Details

Classes are held at Jackson Hole MMA within the JH Indoor Facility

Located at: 3580 South Park Drive in Jackson, WY​


  • Rock Steady Boxing Membership for individuals with Parkinson's Disease includes 8-classes per month

  • All classes are 75-minutes in length, please arrive early to gear up

  • Boxers will be responsible for purchasing their own boxing gloves and hand wraps

  • Neuroboxing class is a 4-times per month membership for individuals with all neurologic conditions

  • Financial assistance is available for those who need it.

Jackson MMA Map
Image by Prateek Katyal

New Boxers

This is a non-contact program. Classes include a boxer's regimen, and other exercises to tackle the symptoms of Parkinson's and other neurologic conditions

head on.

 One-on-one assessments are performed prior to start by a Doctor of Physical Therapy and will be repeated annually.

*75-minute Individual assessments are $90.


Contact Wendy to register:

Thanks for submitting.

Live Class Calendar

*Note one-on-one assessment times will be scheduled individually

Boxer Gear

Each boxer will be responsible for purchasing their own hand wraps, boxing gloves, and water bottle to bring to classes. 

Gloves up

Boxing Gloves

These can range from 12 - 16 oz, based on boxer size. 12oz gloves are good for a petite boxer and 14oz for average size.

Hand wraps - equipment under gloves

Gel Hand Wraps

Gel hand wraps or traditional style wraps are required to be worn under the boxing gloves for an added layer of protection.

Water Bottle

Water Bottle

Bring your own water bottle so that you can have some easy access hydration during the short class breaks.

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